Update - sorry for the delay

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the recent delays. We're still on track with booking guests and such, but I'm having serious computer malfunction problems. You see, I have to edit and mix our shows on my iBook G4 using a very unstable, free program. And I hates it. So, because of some random glitch or something, our last interview with Edward Current has been chopped to bits and is beyond repair save hours and hours of manual crash recovery. Doing said crash recovery on my computer would be like sending granny through Navy Seal training... neither would survive. So, I don't know what I'm gonna do. I might try to schedule another interview with Edward and we can just start over. If not, I'll try to maybe get as much of the interview up as I can, though it won't be complete.

In other news, we've just fixed the DONATE button on the side of the blog. We've never really campaigned much but we've decided that the real boost in the quality of this podcast is going to require money. So, it's like this: If you listen to and enjoy and episode, go ahead and donate a dollar for that show. If you liked 15 of our shows, throw down 15 dollars. This is completely on the honor system, of course, but we'd appreciate our listeners supporting the podcast by contributing financially. Only donate if you enjoy the episode, so we have more motivation to put out only great shows. Thanks so much.

Also, if you have a business, website, service...etc and are interested in advertising on the Reason Driven Podcast, contact me at reasondriven@gmail.com

1 comment:

Jean-Michel Abrassart said...


Sorry to hear about your troubles. I like Edward Current's videos on YouTube, so I'd like to hear his interview (or a new one if it's the only solution).

By the way, with the new Narnia movie out there, I would love to know what Bob Price think of it... Could you ask him, pleaaaaaase!

See ya,